I found this inspiring and encouraging for 2018

For 2018 I wish that
Borrowed an image from Liz Steel´s blog

Recibí este correo de Liz Steel, alentador e inspirador, pero además muy oportuno dadas las fechas en las que se hacen las resoluciones para el año entrante y en mi caso particular por estar justo en esa búsqueda de cambio en mi carrera.

I received this email from Liz Steel, encouraging and inspiring, but also very timely given the dates in which resolutions are made for the new year and in my particular case to be right in that search for change in my career.


Liz Steel

Last week marked five years since I left my job as an Associate Director of a local architectural firm and started on my grand adventure.

Two years ago I wrote an article sharing some helpful sayings from my friends, including “give it three years”. Today I want to reflect on a few different aspects and answer some questions that my Facebook readers have asked me.

In December 2012 I ‘quit my day job’ to have a six month break. The idea was to have more time for my art, do a little teaching and then go back to architecture for three days a week… Read more